There are many benefits that come with replacing older HVAC systems with newer more efficient heating and air-conditioning systems. A lot has changed in heating and air-conditioning since your air-conditioning company installed your older model system. For example, energy efficiency standards have increased tremendously in the past few years with the implementation of such technologies as ECM motors and programmable thermostats that can be operated from anywhere in the world with your laptop. These newer technologies help reduce energy consumption and wastefulness coming from your heating and air-conditioning system with the use of an ECM motor. An ECM Motor, for example is only being used at its max when the system is under full load capacity and if a system is not under full load capacity a smart technology motor will run at a lower RPM and draw less amps as it helps cool and heat your home.
In addition to new technologies implemented in newer models there a lot of incentives in place for homeowners to retrofit or replace their system with a higher efficiency system. As of this date the standard for a new installation is a 13 Seer system, Seer stands for seasonal energy efficiency ratio, that will give you the minimum amount of output per input of energy for the use of heating and cooling your home. Many energy companies are giving rebates to homeowners that change over to a higher seer system because it places less stress on the grid and is better for the environment as far as energy consumption goes. As I mentioned earlier 13 Seer is the minimal requirement for a new installation but there are even higher efficiency systems that include newer technologies that increase your home's energy efficiency by many more times than your older unit does.
The benefits that you will get from higher energy-efficient systems will be seen on your energy bill and in the rebates that you receive from your electric or gas companies. Someone looking for a replacement system for your home should make sure to do research on some of the newer technologies in HVAC that you and your HVAC company can implement into your system to save you the most amount of money and make your home the most efficient that it can possibly be.